A Reluctant Birth Story

I thought it would be a really great idea to take a month long vacation in three European Countries while I was 7 months pregnant. I was right. It was a great idea! When I returned to LA, I was ready to take “Birthing Classes.” But because of my vacation, I couldn’t find a birthing class to join, surely that meant I would not be able to give birth, right? My friend and father of a 5yo boy told me, “I have a birthing class for you. Go into labor. Go to the hospital. The doctors will take care of everything. Now give ME $300.” Ah…jokes. He expects me to just go in and to trust trained professionals. I did the one thing I shouldn’t have done. I over-informed myself. I watched this movie called “The Business of Being Born” which I fondly refer to as “Birth Propaganda.” I read books. Consulted the internets. Listened to my friends who had home births or labored at home and had zero interventions.

Equipped with all of the knowledge (!) I had my birth plan. Labor at home. Walk the mile to the hospital (HA!) and have a beautiful natural birth at the hospital. (I wasn’t crazy enough to have a home birth. My home is neither equipped for such an undertaking, nor am I THAT crunchy.)


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